GABCC Business Survey GABCC Business Impact Survey Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Business Name *Name *FirstLastEmail Address *Phone Number *Address *Line 2 *City *State *Zip Code *Country *1. How is/was your business impacted by Covid-19? *2. What percentage(%) of revenue did your business lose during the Pandemic (skip if no revenue loss)? *3. Please Identify Your Race: *Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderAfrican American or BlackWhiteHispanicAsian4. Are you working to close your business or transition to a new business? * *5. What type of funding have you received for your business during Covid-19? *PPPEIDL LoanEIDL AdvanceCity of Augusta ProgramBank FundingNo Additional Funding Received During Covid-19Other6. Did you retain all employees or had to lay off staff? *Option 1Option 2Option 37. How many employees were impacted from question 6? *8. Please select your Business Industry. *BankingBusiness ServiceFood ServicesAgriculture & Forestry WildlifeConstruction/Utilities/ContractingEducationFinance & InsuranceHealth ServicesPersonal ServicesReal Estate & HousingSafety/Security & LegalTransportationSubmit